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Filly-Green, baby!


UK Based Screenwriters

Two halves of a scriptwriting collaboration with the legendary, albeit unhinged, Mark Fillingham and the quintessential James Morelli-Green

We also provide scripts, script ideas & additional material for advertising, television & film

Mark & James are the creators and writers of the hilarious sitcom 'Spectre Squad' currently in development with M4West Media, Ltd. They also have a sketch show, 'Down Town', numerous scripted projects for television and film and, following their recent re-writing and script editing on a movie in Los Angeles, are pushing their latest sitcom, 'Jasper's Crash', out to producers back home in the UK. They also provide comedy material to Nuts Magazine & Viz.

Mark is also credited with hilarious jokes and humorous anecdotal material for the hugely successful 'Argumental' on Dave, and also had a brief stint as a radio presenter - before his penchant for political incorrectness saw him...ahem...moving on!

James is also credited with the scripting of advertising segments and generating stand-out catchy slogans and publicity material...he was a psychologist and University lecturer before the earth shattering collaboration that is The Filly-Green Experience!

Find out more about me, him, or the collaborative Filly-Green Experience, for comedy, the odd rom-com, horror, crime or psychological thriller, or that script work and clever slogan you need for effective radio & television advertising.

Mark & James x

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